Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is training a dirty word?

The Skills Development Amendment Bill has been approved by parliament’s National Assembly is well on the way to becoming law. Substantive changes to the law include the establishment of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations and clearer guidelines on apprenticeships.

A smaller change is the replacement of the phrase ‘training provider’ with ‘skills development provider’.

The terminology of training and skills development was discussed by MPs and civil servants at the public hearings for the Bill. Concerns were raised by MPs that the term training had negative connotations; that it related to training animals, or sports training.

Labour Department DDG Sam Morotoba said that the term skills development was used as it was more in line with global trends.

Private provider representatives said that trainers should be supported and training should be something that people were proud to take up. The confusion from the range of terms available, included Trainer, OD-ETDP practitioner, facilitator and others was also highlighted.

Do you support the move from the term training provider to skills development provider? Is there a significant difference between the two or is it just a question of semantics? What do you think trainers should be called? OD-ETDP practitioners, facilitators, skills development professionals, or simply trainers?

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